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This is why.....

skado 9 May 15

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Love this and stole it for Facebook


A picture is worth a thousand words.

So the one on the right is a transitional species. Between what and what?


almost as cute as Mitch McConnell....but not quite. has a face like a wrestling match between jabba the hut and octomom. she must be at least as charming as Cruz with hemorrhoids on a rodeo bull to win an election.


Excellent point

bobwjr Level 10 May 15, 2021

As useful as a piece of dog poop stuck to the bottom of a shoe.


Never though lead paint would work as a punchline. How do such cognitively challenged, mentally ill people win a popular vote?

By appealing to the most cognitively challenged voters!

You mean the mentally ill who vote for radical idiots like AOC, Omar, Rashida Talibe, and Maxine Waters??


mercury tic tacs and binging on teletubbie zombies.


Ya that hamster done slid off the wheel loooonnnggg time ago.


Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs


She done be a ho.

I wouldn’t put it that way.

@Scott321 I just did. If the shoe fits.

@barjoe Well the comparison to her disparages sex workers for one thing.

@Scott321 Sex Workers? Are they unionized? Do prostitutes qualify for unemployment?

@barjoe In Nevada I think they might.

I have more respect for sex workers than that feckless cunt.

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