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LINK The Victims of the Philadelphia MOVE Bombing Continue to Be Erased | The New Yorker

"On May 13, 1985, while many of the city’s residents were still basking in the glow of the previous afternoon’s Mother’s Day gatherings, hundreds of heavily armed police officers surrounded a row house in a Black neighborhood in West Philadelphia. After firing thousands of rounds of ammunition and cannisters of noxious tear gas into the home, they flew a helicopter over the roof and dropped a package of military-grade explosives... Remains that were found to be those of a Black teen-ager who was killed by Philadelphia police in 1985 were treated as an anthropological specimen."

When & what will make the indifferent attitudes about human rights & equality end?

AnonySchmoose 8 May 18

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I can't believe that I hadn't thought about that in years. It was horrifying at the time but we didn't have the same kind of media then so the crime was not amplified and kept in the public eye nearly as long. I have to wonder if things would have been handled differently with our current media.

Then and now, the media neglects to place enough importance on crimes of inhumanity toward other humans. Reporting strongly enough about unfairness seems not part of media's repertoire.


Having read this and then looked up other accounts of this horror story, I am in tears.
How has this story not in 35 years become an international scandal?
How could this happen anywhere, least of all in a major American city?
It is medieval in it's atrocity and cannot fail to remind me of the words of Bishop Arnaud Amaury a Roman Catholic Cistercian abbot and papal legit at the massacre of the town of Béziers in 1209
When the Crusaders asked the Abbot how they would tell the guilty heretics from the good catholics of the town, the "man of the law" replied,
"Kill everyone and let God sort them out!"
Every last man woman and child were that day put to the sword and the flame, and those who tried to escape maimed and thrown back in to th inferno, as the priests, nobles and soldiers sang praises to god.
NOTHING CHANGES, give people power and tell them the law (or the Lord) is on their side and they will descend in to being murderous foul creatures, preying on their own.

Yes, horror was my reaction to learning more about that.
It has happened throughout history.
Yet those in political power do not seem to learn how to become moral.
Instead they accept inhumanity to other humans as 'God's way'.


What is missing from this article is whether or not the Feds conducted an investigation.
You would think that the use of military grade explosives would immediately get the Feds involved.

Unity Level 7 May 19, 2021

Yes, I would think so too. Only a federal jury and a federal judge awarded millions to the relatives of the victims. But no city officials were prosecuted, even though found negligent because they did not turn on the fire hoses. I don't think justice was served entirely.


Not a popular opinion, but as an Atheist, what they did with the remains doesn't matter. The real outrage was done 36 years ago by our city's first African American mayor. Wilson Goode.

That was unfortunate and weird.
How did people feel about him after that happened under his watch? In the late '70's, I visited a 'residence' in such a neighborhood in Philadelphia. Quite an eye-opener.

@AnonySchmoose He dropped a bomb on a rowhouse, killing 11 people including children and burned down hundreds of homes. After putting the blame on the City Managing Director, Police Chief and Fire Commissioner, they all got fired/resigned and he got re-elected. During his second term he managed the rebuild of the neighborhood he burned down. Payoffs, no bid contracts, code violations and a massive budget overrun. That's my city.

I read that the mayor appointed an investigative commission, which found that the fire hoses were never turned on, and the houses were left to burn. There were two federal verdicts that made Philadelphia pay millions to the survivors whose family members died. In 2020 Philadelphia apologized and designated an annual day of remembrance for victims on the bombing anniversary.

@AnonySchmoose Truman's "The buck stops here" is a pipe dream. Didn't he hire all three? There is no accountability, just retention of power at all cost.

Yes, they ignored the culpability of the city officials at the time, and the city merely apologized later, as if that could absolve the city of guilt. I'm uncertain what 'hire all three' referenced.

@AnonySchmoose Mayor Goode hired PC Sambor, Fire Chief Richmond and City Director Brookes a year earlier and fires them all after MOVE. If they were all so incompetent, He hired them. .

😊 Thank you for clarifying that.

I was a grad student at Temple U. when all that was going down. It was all so horrifying and surreal. I remember watching that neighborhood burn on the 6:00 news. It was mass murder, and no one paid.

@Organist1 Ross, Sambor and Richmond acted on Mayor Goode's orders. DA Ed Rendell didn't do anything, he was busy running for Governor. Ron Castille didn't do anything either. There needed to be prosecutions. None.


When humanity stops following religion and does away with the concept of Race..

"Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice
Adopted and proclaimed by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization at its twentieth session, on 27 November 1978."

The 10 Articles of the Declaration dispel the myth of race. []

Most in the good ole USA think that the letters UN only exists to be put in front of the word American when describing foreigners or non American ideas.

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