I gave up on this site some time ago because of a few people who seemed to attack every post I made as if it were an argument that must be resolved in the most combative way possible.
But about 6 months, I decided to rejoin and vowed to block those who would continue their combative and confrontational responses to my posts.
It’s still the same though. So I’m blocking a few.
Am I wrong?
If I post something it’s to share or even discuss with some civility. I’m not looking to blow my own horn, to prove I’m more intelligent or less well read that anyone else or to one-up anybody.
I do enjoy learning new approaches to many topics and normally I’ll respond to the first or even second confrontational remark with a follow up to explain my view.
By confrontational, I am referring to those who insinuate I’m not very smart. I’m not referring to those who respond with a curt remark (ie. this is BS, this is too simplistic, or the what if’s scenarios offered) I can accept and understand differing of view.
Please help me understand how those of you reading this would respond to affronts like “you are just too ” and equally insulting comments.
Thank you
SOOOOO Ssrry we failed to meet your expectations as to what we should say and how we should say it.....
Don't take shit from any assholes I like all your posts and added supporting dats
I block all assholes and male entitlement creeps who do suck up successfully
You are not wrong. There are plenty of terrific people here. The more assholes you block, the better you will get to know the others. Don’t bother to engage with them. If you see someone being an asshole on a regular basis, whether it is directed at you or not, just block them and move on. If everyone would do that, the only people the assholes would have to harass is each other.
Thankyou comrade Atheists for three years of Atheisn
@Larry68Feminist What a suck-up...lol.
Good advise! Thx
@MsKathleen I don't want golden showers just a marriage b4 I croak or become a default eunuch bible boy limp
@Larry68Feminist Marriage is highly overrated.
@MsKathleen since good Atheist mates are not chosen self fulfilling failed prophecy
....2 living better than one is obviously UNDERrated in hindsight..... Sharing is life quality extension ....singles die sooner than couples
@Larry68Feminist Nope. Single MEN die sooner; single WOMEN live longer.
@MsKathleen you confirmed half my facts married men and couples live longest