She's 32 now, but as a younger child, she was introduced to the Christian Faith. Growing up with strict Christian parents, she was often told and threatened Hell if she didn't live for God. What can she do to help her overcome this fear, if it is even possible with all the scaring she's been through with this disgusting faith. Is it possible she will ever overcome this horrible fear? She still wakes up screaming on some nights. I'm heart broken right now.
Have her watch, A Serbian Film, if she wants an idea of what a real living hell is. Then she'll be more great full for her own mediocre life.
Poor girl the christian practice is to use your own imagination against yourself. Not sure if this will help but when I was young I used to believe that if I stepped on a crack it would break my mothers back till I heard another superstition that canceled out all other superstitions. It only works if you believe in it ever since then I stopped believing in it and my fears went away. Religion is just like the placebo effect shes only scared of hell because she believes in it shes only scared of satan because she believes in it. Dreams are just your unconscious mind thinking about something your conscious mind can't figure out while your awake. Truth is so long as she is around those that gave her those dreams and those that incourage it she may never be able to rid herself of these dreams I would say take a private trip with her to help her enjoy life but these christians are like parasytes they'll embed something in her memory that won't allow for rational thought ex: hell
Is there any faith that is not scary? I thought Buddhism to be a strong option, but on closer inspection..............?
Wait I was raised buddist and I hated chanting and going to meetings and all, but no one ever threated my of going to hell if I ever left and at the end of the day I choose to be buddist which is not the same privalage christians have. Also look up sgi-usa if your interested i which one
Does hell exist? No religion necessary except for the exceptionally weak, and catholics, who aren't really christian at all until they think they need it. Just be a good person. If it gets tight, forgive, but past that there is always the 'eye for an eye' first testament option.
This is terrible.. I feel like deep meditation and reassurance that hell does not try natural homeopathic supplements may help with anxiety
Thank you.
Wow -- so sorry that your cousin was obviously disturbed and/or traumatized by the threats of Hell in Christianity. Fear-mongering is one of the things I hate about religions.
I think that showing compassion for her condition is a starting point- since you have a concern for her, it sounds as though you do have compassion and are willing to help her. Does she still subscribe to Christian dogma? Does she know your worldview? Are you agnostic? Maybe show her your worldview and explain why you think that way. Explain how religions can be manipulative by forcing frightening scenarios such as Hell upon children. I'm thinking that just showing concern over the long term will go a long way to helping her get out of that nightmarish mental state.
Awe. I take the medicine, Minipress for nightmares. It works well. Maybe a medicine for nightmares will help?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Ok, read the rest of your post...
There is probably more to the story of why she feels the guilt. You might want to just ask her "what's bothering her?" and that she can tell you without judgement or consequences to anyone.
Tell her to:
Stop Judging herself (her judgement of herself does not supersede God's will)
Ask for forgiveness from God and then she must forgive herself.
Sins are not damnable. They are guidelines to avoid consequences.
Temptation is not a sin.
These are just general suggestions, but her key is Christianity. So, maybe asking someone she trust and confide in with Christian speak can help.
tell her what a terrible god it is if he existed and that he created the devil so its just blackmail. show her what a crock of shit religion is.
It really is a crock of shit!
yes, it is. stand with her and give GOD the finger and slag him off and ask him to strike you down if he is all-powerful. she will see that and realise the George Carlin with her on youtube about religion and he will definitely show her that its crap. you will love it too. heres some just for you.
Guys don't throw wood into the fire if you hate god then that'll just prove that he exists instead of building negative energy just show her there a way of building positive energy with out the need for spiritual copyright.
Martial arts or mediation can soothe the mind and make one into a calm warrior spirit
I remember distinctly when around 8.or 9 and a teacher brought a New Scientist magazine in and told us how the biblical flood was now thought scientifically possible and that scientists believe it could happen again. I was terrified for months.
Then he told us about spontaneous human combustion! Don't think I slept for 3 months!! Obviously I know now it's claptrap.
Teachers have a lot to answer for.
She needs to learn to control her dreams as I do, I have not had a nightmare in 45 years since I learned to do so. I believe the technique is call lucid dreaming.