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I just had to deflect another "nice Christian man" off my agnostic shield on a dating site. Whew! I'm actually glad they're upfront with that crap first, rather than wasting time on a conversation. 🙂

Organist1 8 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I feel like when someone leads with their religion. It shows how uninteresting they actually are. Like saying, “Hello, I have no personality. Here’s my God ID card. Does it check out?”


Looking for Love in the wrong right places!!!


direct him to "christian tingles". tell him they are offering "fooling around lusty pants coupons".


Hah! I have to bonk people on the head with a hammer for a date. When they start spouting religion, I bonk them on the head again.


Hooray for being upfront about stuff! I'm a huge fan of getting all that nonsense out in the open, right from the start.

For what it's worth, my husband and I met on a dating site, and we were both very forthcoming about our nonsense. But, his nonsense fit well with my nonsense, so here we are years later: two flawed individuals, balancing each other in some semblance of coherence.

marriage breeds familiarity and familiarity breeds contempt

good luck with ur co dependancy

@HeAdAkE And good luck to you, with the bitterness! 🙂


i got news for ya, guys want to bang so u should prolly put a sign on or sum shit

thats good advice for all women who are stuck up and weight irrelevant id think

get ur likes girl!

Someone want to translate this bullshit?

@Secretguy ok bud

ur clueless

wake up hun

No; I don't do that.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, old festus pines away, unrequited

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