However, there should some law against the super dumb. Britany is 39, is a mother of two and still manages to convince the court two times before that she was incapable of taking care of herself and her finances.
She managed to make her sex video with ex- husband viral, make her tantrums famous after the husband divorced and got the custody of both children. And we take time from our struggling lives to start a movement to free her from caretaking. Wow!
Add her to our lousy heroes of dug addicts Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston but certainly be sure to ignore teachers of this country that working for peanuts while raising next generations' leaders in all fields.
it's called mental illness
the other is called rape
What is wrong with appointing a caretaker of a metal patient? She is not in jail. Why is Britany our priority... over many other important thing to our personal lives and the nation?