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If you could meet Jesus, Mohammed or Buddha, who would you choose and why?

Who would you choose to meet and why?

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SamL 7 Dec 1

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I would like to ask him about his real message and how the apostle Paul screwed it up.


I would prefer to meet the easter bunny....for the chocolate of course.


Buddha was a bit of a wanker really and very sexist. Mohammed was probably the least sexist. It'd have to be Jesus. I would be very firm with him and get him to clean up his mess!


Choose to do what? Shoot them?

zesty Level 7 Mar 3, 2019

Buddha, well one of them, he was a real party animal in his younger days


I’d tell me how screwed up his followers are about to become and that after they kind of kill him, he shouldn’t wait thousands of years to come back!


Buddha of course.

Alexa Level 5 Dec 7, 2017

I haven't finished investigating Buddhism


He has the simplest message without the hate and killing of those who do not believe.


Buddha for the same reason of personal enlightenment.


Buddha, from what i gather from it, didn't molest children or rape an 8 year old girl(Mohammed) far as Jesus goes in the mythologies, he wasn't to tyrannical, but he still defended his ass of a father Yahweh...


Buddha, to question him about enlightenment.

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