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My mom and I were invited to her best friend's new place for the 4th. Her daughter and grandchild were there, as well as the other grandparent and some of her daughter's friends. Her daughter is a self described motivational speaker and talks a lot about running. She posts stuff to get validation from others about how good of a mom she is, how pretty she is, and how inspirational her words are. I am FB friends with her, but I don't follow her because I really don't need someone on the internet always telling me to "be the best me I can be."

Anyway, after we ate lunch, I dozed on the couch because I had some wine and I usually don't drink, so it kind of knocked me out. My mom and her friend were in the kitchen talking, the little girl (grandchild) was alternating between watching TV and screaming, and the daughter and the other guests were engaging in what I call "Self Absorbed White Lady Bullshit" in the dining room. One of the friends had her tarot cards and she was doing readings. Everyone else was sooo into her nonsense. The runner/motivational speaker was talking about how people loved her raw emotions in her blog and how someone told her she has a "masculine energy," my eyes were rolling so hard that I saw my own brain. I feigned sleep for the rest of the visit until it was time to go.

Years ago, I was into Paganism because I wanted to find a meaning to life and a sense of belonging in a community. The spark of skepticism that I had as a Catholic kept burning through those years and in the end I abandoned all of it because it was just the same bullshit with different trappings.

Over the years, the skeptic in me has grown so strong that I cannot abide by this kind of bullshit in my vicinity. It was almost physically painful to hear these women talk about how The Universe works and how they put out certain things into the world and that energy comes back to them etc. I wanted to scream, "The Universe doesn't give a shit about you. We are specks. I am sure people in concentration camps wanted The Universe to "take care of them" but they died horrible deaths. Get over yourselves."

Instead, my mom and I went to the grocery store, I came home and had a lovely nap, and today I will go to the pool. I will try to rinse my brain of the horrid nonsensical bullshit I had to hear yesterday.*

*Nonsense which included discussion of gluten because Self Absorbed White Ladies love to talk about gluten.

Sorcha 7 July 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah had one of those who attached to my ex wife years ago ,they conspired together in total bullshit tarot , seance , witch stuff etc, A nightmare part of my past

bobwjr Level 10 July 5, 2021

@Sorcha Yeah just slug along , make the best of what you have . I grew up in Dundalk

@Sorcha My grandson lives there, my single son in Perry Hall

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