Who has been paying when thousands of people without health insurance end up in the hospital because of Covid?
Who is going to pay for hospital care when the unvaccinated get the Delta Variant?
Are the taxpayers picking up the tab?
Who is paying for funeral expenses when poor people die of Covid?
Is the "freedom" not to get vaccinated really putting a financial burden on the rest of us?
Yep, the taxpayers pick up the tab for most of the covid hospitalizations. It's not cheap! Some stay in ICU for weeks. That's why the states are giving away prizes for vaccinations. WV gives away trucks, guns and lottery tickets. CA gives you a joint. But that also may cause people to hold-out for better gifts. I think indoor spaces need to be closed to those without masks, at the very least... and yeah, that means for vaccinated folks, too, because there's no honor in "honor systems".
Yep vaccinations are dirt cheap in real terms.
Sure vaccinations are cheap....but a stay in a hospital can cost thousands of dollars. So who pays if a covid patient can't pay?