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Saw a good post on another site comparing covid restrictions to taxes. Went something like.........
Mask wearing, lockdowns, vaccination certification and social distancing/ travel restrictions because of covid become a burden for the general population but essential for society.
But for the rich and powerful? They seem to have their own rules, can avoid these ones with "exemptions" and anyway, doesn't really restrict their lifestyle financially......just like taxes.

A bit too much truth here.

powder 8 Aug 7

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Some truth to that. Mark Zuckerberg owns a home here on Kauai, and I'm sure he arrives on private jet and spend most of his family time away from other travelers and locals, so restrictions don't really apply to him, but his life isn't all that different than usual, since he likely avoids regular travelers and locals anyway covid or no.


the Aspen Daily News even had an article on that, back in Feb or March, chiding the county for relaxing restrictions during the holidays so rich ppl could have their parties, only to put the clampdown back on in January, after they had left!


Just bullshit, medical restrictions for disease transmission have been around for a very long time

@powder man, ive heard some of whats going on Down There, guys don't have any guillotines, or what? 😀


I can’t agree…I don’t see any exemptions being made here in the U.K. for the rich….the Covid regulations applied to everyone equally…as being rich or privileged was no barrier to catching it, social distancing and mask wearing was mandated for all regardless of status. Comparing covid restrictions to taxes is a quite spurious comparison in my opinion..and just another tactic those with an agenda have for sowing division. The rich will always have an advantage over the rest of us in most things, including tax avoidance…but I think Covid is an equal opportunity virus when it comes to catching it.

@powder We don’t get any of this Aussie news in the U.K.

@Marionville your understanding of the situation vis-a-vis mask wearing, lockdowns, vaccination certification and social distancing/ travel restrictions is correct and exemptions can be sought, as I'm sure applies in the UK and elsewhere.

Yes but being confined to home, when your home is a two thousand acre estate, is very different to being confined to a third floor bed sitting room, especially if you are a family.

@Fernapple Yes…but that isn’t something that the authorities are in control of, they only issue the lockdown rules, they don’t differentiate between the rich or poor in any way when they set them. I agree that being confined to one’s own property means quite different things depending on circumstances..very tough on the poorer families confined in a top floor flat, nor so hard on the country squire on his large acreage.

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