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Am gobsmacked. This QAnon moron thought his wife had serpent DNA and that his children, 2 yo and 10 mos old would grow into monsters and take over the world. I have maintained that not all points of view and opinions are deserving of equal consideration. Here is a good example. All QAnons should be locked up in Bellevue if it is still a nut house.

Healthydoc70 7 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Certainly, informed, expert opinions deserve far more weight than opinions derived from, for instance, reading things off the back of a cereal box or wherever they get this stuff.

The problem (part of the problem) is that the culture wars have so devalued expertise that now, "my experts know more than your experts". When there's not an agreed-upon set of facts from which to debate, it becomes a shouting match where people just scream past one another. Facts like "Human beings can't have DNA from other species", for example, are up for grabs. Pseudo-science is believed to be as valid as real science, because "it's all just a theory." If only people understood what the word "theory" means when real scientists use it.

This is why I think this is an excellent time to change our greater story, or plot, with one that embraces biology/spirit/nature/science. We must graduate from The Dark Ages but can't do that by closing off deep rooted ideas and histories. Any viral idea must be inclusive and embracing yet feel true without holding dogmatic retribution for levels of belief in it. Such dogma allows for judgment and cruelty. I think mine works (well shared on this site) but so does Zen Taoism or Buddhism. Others, including Christianity, can be embraced as what our parasitic neural network (or society) has imbedded into our fabric but as a guideline. Not an actual dogma as a parasitic neural network is inherently working for some other purpose.

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