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Who can resist taking the mickey out of Paddy?

From Russia with love:
Irish dance. Theater of Litsedei
"Irish Dance", play "New Pokatukha".
Actors Pavel Mikhailov and Alexander Kolobov

Courtesy of "Traditional and Folkmusic"

FrayedBear 9 Aug 16

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Immediately reminded me of this

I imagine very much the inspiration for the Russians.


They're obviously clueless when it comes to separating their stereotypes…and singularly unfunny to boot!

How & why Marje.

@FrayedBear Use your powers of observation…are they meant to be Irish or Scottish?

@Marionville The label says Irish but some of the moves looked Scottish.

@Marionville As for the colour of the kilts the Scottish were all made up in the 1800's.

@FrayedBear oh…the penny’s dropped partially then, but not quite fully! The dress is Scottish the moves are Irish.

@FrayedBear Only partially true…the plaid has a much older tradition, although many of the more colourful tartans are only a mere 200 years old. However that is completely irrelevant to the sketch as the kilts and tartan clearly indicates that they are wearing recognisably Scots dress.

@Marionville some looked Scottish to me but it's 50 years since I attended a course on Highland dancing.

@Marionville interesting that you use the word dress & not kilt.

@FrayedBear It doesn’t matter how long ago you attended Highland dance class….the Paddy reference you made clearly indicated you thought they looked Irish….in kilts and tartan! 😁😅

@FrayedBear The kilt is a form of dress…not a woman’s dress, but a mode of dressing which a Scotsman traditionally adopts. other words “male dress”. The kilt is not a female mode of dress.

@Marionville Marion how about you read the translation before the video.

@Marionville that's funny I've seen women wearing kilts or are you saying they are phony?

@FrayedBear Nothing to stop them wearing kilts, but they will not be proper ones with around 4 yards of material, but instead will be kilted skirts with around half of that material. I myself had a mini-kilt when I was in my early 20s and it was only 18 inches long…not much material in that! It was a fashion item, not a true kilt. Women traditionally do not wear the kilt, it’s male apparel or “dress” as I’ve already been at pains to tell you.

@FrayedBear I did …that’s why I left my original comment. They are quite obviously mixing up their National stereotypes by combining Irish dance moves with traditional Scottish dress.

@Marionville thank you Marge for pointing out that the skirts worn by the actors are not kilts.

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