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I don't know if God or gods exist, but I don't believe that God or gods exist either. I can't be for certain, but I think God or gods are very improbable given the overwhelming evidence for darwinian evolution and unconscious unintelligent natural forces and physics. I intend to use this page to post Atheist and Agnostic videos from YouTube and other science information. I don't only consider myself a Atheist and a Agnostic, but a Secular Humanist and a Left Wing Liberal.

AgnosticAtheus 1 Aug 16

Enjoy being online again!

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why bother!? just live.


Hello and welcome. You should fit in well here. But remember most members here have seen a lot of Atheist and Agnostic videos, we won't mind more, but to please they need to be of highest quality, it a picky audience.


I think you are an agnostic, with humanist and progressive leanings.


Welcome. A lot of post today of new people. I will just copy my 2 cents worth of what I just shared with another new person.

Do you know anything about Illogical atheist Richard Dawkin's mind virus meme organism?

The implications of meme organism being capable of mutation and evolution into a cognition organism with cognition capability unto itself capable of interacting with the mind of people gives for understanding the biblical theme and that Jesus was a "son of God", or in modern Richard Dawkin's terminology we could say a son of meme. The product or offspring of a mind virus organism.

Word Level 8 Aug 16, 2021

Sounds like my neural network theory. Let them laugh at Dawkins (hahaha), too, then. 🙂 I have a renewed respect for meme theory.

@rainmanjr I left christianity years ago after having experiences that I am just now starting to explain with scientific explination about cognitive capabilities that made it seem to me I had prophetic, psychic or E.S.P. ability.

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