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Sharing a thought I had from another post. Is it Good, or not?

"Coordinate system as using (x,y), (-x,y), (x,-y) and (-x,-y)."

Word 8 Aug 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Also, I should leave this comnent in the othef thread, but I can't leave further comments for some reason. I think I may have been reading that topic breifly the other day, the page that was linked. I was trying to understand something else I had been reading and wound up reading that, the wikipedia page. I didn't understand it fully at the moment or now. I might reread it at some point. I may have understood it better the second time. And possibly it's because I read more of it.

I don't have an answer to the other question you are asking. Is it like some programming question? I don't know. Or a more general musing?

Wouldn't say specifically programming but would say a basic in starting to understand logic.

@Word It did sound very logic based. I hope you find the right answer.

@Word Also, thanks for your post.


Like I said in the other post Im not that great with math, but my opinion would be good.

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