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The Fermi Paradox

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msar0414 6 Apr 20

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Maybe I'm missing something in the theory/article, and please correct if I'm misunderstanding.
As the theory suggests, let's take the closest star/planet pair that could harbor life. They are 100,000 light years away. That star is about twice as old as our sun, as is the planet in the "Goldilocks zone". The theory hypothesizes that if they were advanced beyond us, and that if they were capable of travelling the speed of light, taking them 100 thousand years to reach us, that they would have already been in contact.
Here's where I find a hole in the theory: humans are only 50,000 years old. So even if they were aware of the birth of our intelligent life at it's inception, and left immediately to make contact, they'd still be 50,000 years away from getting here. No?


IF there is intelligent life out there,it just shows how intelligent they are by avoiding us


As our telescopes and probes increase technologically I think we may eventually find the evfidence.


You left out choice 4: There is no intelligent life in the universe, including mankind.

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