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Surviving Ida, day 6:

We have power and AC!!! I mean, not at the house, but we do have power. Supposedly we will have power by Wednesday. I will not be holding my breath. I'm here in Religiousville Alabama with my daughter and grandkids- got to the house to find a Jesusy figurine on the table and a "blessed" sign on the wall, and even a statue in front of the house by the road. Apparently there's some place called the shrine of the most sacred sacrement nearby, which we will definitely NOT be visiting. We are out in the middle of nowhere, but at least we aren't suffocating in the heat and can sleep without sweating. The house has a big game room in the garage to keep the kids busy (yeah... the kids... lol). The picture shows what i spent my evening doing. My wrist hurts!

JonnaBononna 7 Sep 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Glad you got out. We went to Atlanta with wife’s brother. Any word on your place? Neighbors sent me pics. Ours looks ok from what I can see. Of course won’t really know til we’re there. Patiently waiting for 9/8.

We actually were there for the storm. We left to escape the heat after. Place was OK for the most part- a little roof damage that caused the ceiling to fall in my daughter and son in law's room Sunday night, but that's it. Landlord is on that. We actually stay in Marrero, my other daughter in Harvey and both of my sons in Belle Chasse.


Classic! I can hear all the game’s sounds just by looking at the picture.

I'm not as good as I used to be lol

@JonnaBononna Same here so we may be a good matchup at this very moment. 🤣

@EntheogenFan we're here several more days, so I'll keep practicing so I can school you 😝

@JonnaBononna If I had a teleportation device then you can bet your ass that I would take that challenge.

There's nothing like playing it on an actual cabinet!

@JonnaBononna I have a small collection of my own.

It's not a great one- not from an actual arcade, but it's decent- it's this one- $600 on Amazon

As opposed to this $3000 one!

@JonnaBononna I have seen those before. They are pretty decent for what they are. Especially compared to the high prices of the REAL classics.

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