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The cost of Brexit according to the Bank of England.



Welcome to austerity.

FrayedBear 9 Sep 19

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Well hate to say "Told you so" but

It's not a real loss Len merely that BoE aspirations & or estimates were woefully wrong!

There however real consequences. Though the "government" are trying to spin it as being covid's fault, the European's fault, the bloody French's fault and the fault of the last labour government 16 years ago, Brexit has been a disaster.
We have labour shortages, food shortages, chemical shortages, raising fuel prices (gas, electric and petrol) medical shortages predicted for the coming months, a huge national deficit, announced tax rises, redundancies, corporate bankruptcies and large industrial concerns fleeing the country, cuts to benefits for the sick and disabled and food rotting in the fields.
ALL directly attributable to the mishandling Brexit by Boris the bastard and his band of bonkers ball brained buggers.


Was that the cost of leaving the EU, or the cost of voting to leave the EU?

I think the former.


@LenHazell53 Years ago a mathematics professor played a dirty trick, asking if an “OR” is exclusive or inclusive.

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