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POLL Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 campaign

Regardless of what the FBI or the US Dept of Justice does, the DNC is going to prove the case that Donald Trump and his campaign officials colluded as willing participants with the Russians 2 interfere with our presidential election through illegal means. Right on.

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MrLink 8 Apr 20

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Won't matter.

I think it does matter.

@MrLink doesn't really matter what you think.

Trump can always fire Mueller, and even if he doesn't, there's not enough support to impeach and there won't be.

@WileEQuixote classic defeatist.

@MrLink classic realist.

Dreamers never have solid plans nor can anticipate actual likely outcomes, they prefer fictional blankets to keep them warm and fuzzy instead of facing reality.

May as well believe in God.


Rachael Maddow covered this, this evening along with the history of the Democrates doing the same thing during Nixon's administration and winning.

gearl Level 8 Apr 21, 2018

Nixon faced a Democratic Congress.

That’s not the case now, and Republicans won’t impeach.

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