John Oliver
Brilliant reporting by John Oliver.
Biden needs to end the filibuster to get anything done about voter suppression, carbon fee & dividend, funding infrastructure, creating more sustainable jobs, prosecuting racism & women's rights violation, etc.
yes, yes. i wish. maybe after 2022 or 2024. the filibuster is a racist fraud. the electoral college too. we have to at least pass the john lewis voting rights act. we gotta do something, get something done this year, before next year, the election year, of course. as you know, our 50 senators represent 40+ million more voters, than their 50 senators represent. we need d.c. and puerto rico to be states, 4 more senators. there's a lot to do. a lot to hold on to. peace
I read observations by Historian and Professor Heather Cox Richardson last night. She studied Civil War history by reading the entire Chicago Tribune and New York Times for the years of the Civil War. She says, “The story that jumped out at me was entirely different than the story I read in the textbook... I just wrote down what I saw... in 19th century, and possibly always, America’s always been racist, so racism is constant,” Richardson said. “You can’t use it to explain historical change. What explains historical change during the Reconstruction years … is the way white Americans in the north thought about class.” I think about how Blue Dog Democrats blatantly enable Republican ideology and obstructionism, and how that is about class warfare. []
@AnonySchmoose Race and Class, No Doubt. Right Wing Media. Data Mines like Facebook. I think Putin is Q. Democrats lost a lot of white working class men, because of NAFTA, many lost their Jobs. But, that was Big Business, under Reganomics, and barely Regulated Banks, and then they Blamed Clinton. Now, they're Reviving the Tea Party, inviting the Klan, the traitors on Jan 6, and on and on.
The obstructionist republican fascists are replaying German Fascists politics from 1921 to 1933!!!
So far there has been limited violence used to this point, it sure looks like that is about to change sooner than we might think!!!