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LINK How Mormons Know You Joined The Wrong Church - YouTube

That's how you know it's a cult

OldMetalHead 9 Sep 29

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I’m right, therefore you must be wrong.


To be fair, Mormons are not the only ones who say this (though they are very pedantic about it).
A Jewish acquaintance of mine told me, in all seriousness, that the reason "gentile" prayers are not answered is because everyone else does not know how to pray. Non Jews in effect are mashing their fat palms in to the key pad of the telephone and hoping for the best, where as Jews have both a telephone book and a state of the art dialing wand allowing them a direct line to the Lord

Jews are the chosen people and that is a very important statement for many of them.

@Lorajay Mormons believe the same thing, to quote "the prophet" Jo Smith in his introduction to the Book of Morons "All other faiths are an abomination in my sight" sayeth the Lord. It is a major source of their arrogance and pomposity.

@LenHazell53 Possibly not meek enough to inherit the earth then?

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