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LINK Can Beauty Be Mathematically Calculated? | The Sense Of Beauty | Perspective - YouTube

It's all about diversity. I think that's the point. It turns out that Deep Thought was wrong and 42 is not the actual answer.

rainmanjr 8 Oct 3

Enjoy being online again!

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The answer is diversity. Life, The Universe, and Everything is telling us that beauty lies in diversity. Tao tells us that the ugly does, too. Ugly is non-conforming so, in my mind, tends to support Dr Lee's thinking and Yin/Yang is a near perfect place to reside.
The current mistake of mankind is to look for meaning in intelligence (or ego) rather than Tao. We have reached a collision moment, or war, between ego and Zen. I suspect we know, intuitively, how that will likely play out. Ego is about to see proof that it is not greater than Tao. Or Zen.

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