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LINK Christian Conservative Lawyer Had Secretive Role in Bid to Block Election Result

WASHINGTON — One of the nation’s most prominent religious conservative lawyers played a critical behind-the-scenes role in the lawsuit that Republican state attorneys general filed in December in a last-ditch effort to overturn the election of President Biden, documents show.

The lawyer, Michael P. Farris, is the chief executive of a group known as Alliance Defending Freedom, which is active in opposing abortion and gay rights. He circulated a detailed draft of the lawsuit that Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general, ultimately filed against states including Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin in an effort to help President Donald J. Trump remain in office.

snytiger6 9 Oct 9

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Yep, Republican fascists are motivated by their belief abortion is murder, homosexuality is a moral abomination (evil), etc. Those beliefs are based on their religion, and therefore those who disagree with them are the enemy of not only them, but also God. In other words, are evil/Satanic.
This includes atheists, agnostics, liberals, leftist theologians, ANYONE who is not with them, is against them.
So this problem is not likely to go away anytime soon.
The U.S. might become like Afghanistan under the Taliban. This might even be inevitable.


Prix like that make me sick and wish I left religion 24 years ago, instead of nearly 4.


"Alliance Defending Freedom" is an ironic name for a group that doesn't want women to be free to decide to end their pregnancies, or want people to be free to be openly LGBTQ+.

Then again, the Right lost all sense of irony after they touted Donald Trump as a friend of the working class.

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