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Do you believe that all school history books to be true and accurate?

Have you seen cases where students are being taught false things?

SonnyMlaPH 7 Oct 2

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I have not personally seen it myself.


Well certainly it is accurate to the extent of the authors' point of view. This changes over time


I have some personal experience on this one.
I dropped out of school and married. It was kind of expected in the community in which I was raised. Children were expected to marry quickly and become independent so that they were not a financial burden to their folks for too long. My dad took me out of school at 16 and got me my 1st job.
It was the Civil Rights era in the deep south. I watched the discrimination that was taking place, it broke my heart. I fast became a devotee of the teachings of peace, love, and activism of Dr. Martin Luther King.
Fast forward three decades: I had returned and finished school and was taking extra courses in civics for preparation to become engaged in civic activism. They were teaching on Dr king's philosophies, and about the history of the events.
(Triggering my own memories, I cried most of the way through the class.)
When it came time for the test, they had presented a whole false perspective on the events and how and why it had happened, and I was unable to give the factually correct answers.
The only thing the computer allowed as a valid entry was their indoctrinated viewpoints.
So NO, I know for a fact that history is changed to suit the perspectives of the ones who write it.

Donna Level 6 Dec 7, 2017

Hardly, most school history books reflect the currently authourised verson of history the the current power elite deem fit for public consumption

"currently authorised version" - I like that!


Kind of curious as to the point of the question. Seems like a "Do you believe we should be lying to children." kind of thing lol.

Kind of serious to point that out. Please post that question yourself, just rephrase it and add the kind of thing we might like to lie about . . . maybe about life or 9/11 was caused by pilot error because he didn't sleep early and didn't eat his veggies


Even if its wrong usually people go out and find more about it themselves if its interesting

Correct! and I happen to be one of them! LOL


No, school history books only reflect white America, and even that is inaccurate. The story of Christopher Columbus is just one example.

We have 2 very popular history textbooks here in the Philippines and most scholars say that these are "glossed-over" and "romanticized" stories of the actual events.


I maybe a little partial here but I believe that history books should be 100% accurate and leaving nothing to hide. They say that history is written by the victors well I think that in this day and age we know more and perhaps if many other people could understand what we went through we would have a different country and perhaps a different world.

how true! I agree that history is written by the victors. So much thanks to the internet, (to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates?) the truth is out and rising fast. No more secrets and mysteries. Lesser people following like sheep

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