For the Francophiles and possible @Marrionville will know Serge Gainsbourg. Only in France (Im being very American now) would kids have drinks and cigarettes to honor a performer.
I did know that Serge Gainsbourg, like Jonny Hallyday, had an almost cult followIng and that he was known for drinking and smoking onstage, but this has really taken me by surprise, especially because it’s children who are aping him. The last thing one would want to do is encourage them to copy these habits. France had fairly strict smoking laws quite early on, for instance in advertising on TV, and on public transport since 1976 when the Veil Act was brought in..named after French Health minister Simone Veil. I waited right to the end of that clip to find the date it was made, which was in 1988. It wouldn’t be allowed today, the EU have strengthened their smoking laws in all countries, and I know it would not have been allowed in the U.K. in 1988.