26 21

Political Hypocrisy

Read the WHOLE post before you comment please.

I see the more liberal leaning members getting pissed when the more conservative members use words like libtard.

I see the more conservative leaning members getting pissed when the more liberal members use words like Trumpster.

Do you not recognize that by using labels like this you BOTH are feeding the division and drama?

Why is it so hard to discuss the issue without assigning a negative label to the individual?

Crimson67 8 Apr 21

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We can talk about division and drama, but those things are only a concern to people who are a fan of single-party rule, and that's probably why that talking point gets deferred.

I'm sorry but this notion of "we all have to think the same way" is long-expired, and completely senseless.

Could you imagine if even just 10,000 people were the same way, let alone all the people in our country? We would be that much easier to manipulate as a crowd!

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