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LINK AG Merrick Garland testifies before House on Justice Department oversight

Prior to watching this appearance I happened to watch the MLK Monument speeches. They were most inspiring and I highly recommend listening to them. Respect for Human Rights goes on and, yes, racial discrimination is a violation of Human Rights. I took that inspiration into this grilling of AG Garland and was impressed at how our nation’s procedures for gathering information on itself, before The People, is actually impressive. I think we forget (because I, apparently, do) and, therefore, discount how hard it is to overthrow a system with so many avenues for public review/digestion. The tough questions to Garland, by Rep’s Jones/Bush/and one from El Paso District were pointed and specific in nature. I am deeply impressed by how Dem’s are using their time to bring these important cases to Garland’s attention. That should build stronger roots to their District’s and insure they stay in seats. It might also advance Justice for these cases. I hope so.
But standing even further back is a resurgent spark of respect for our Founders. Especially Jefferson for that single argument in OUR Decleration’s preamble. That “All people are created equal,” despite the fact that it has not ever been accepted as fact, and tying that thought to three Human Rights, “Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness.” While Jefferson, himself, was just another vain scumbag his cleverness of thought gave birth to a new idea. That then became foundational in OUR Constitution. As such, he is as significant to OUR nation as Lennin to USSR or Mao to China (both of which have taken down such statues without suffering loss to their historic knowledge of) so a DC Monument is appropriate. Jefferson was, as VP Harris reminded us in her speech, a President. For that reason alone he should have a Mall Memorial. Outside of DC, however, I see no reason for his statue. It simply no longer commands a respectful atmosphere or gentle reminder to kindness. Isn’t that what statuary and art are for? Maybe they should be.
Just a thought coming out of too much government contact in one day. I’ll sum it up by saying that I think Garland is more respectful of The Members than Barr and that feels alarming, to Dem’s, because it feels weak. I do not think Garland is weak or incompetent. I think he merely doesn’t present well for personal reasons or actual restrictions on what he can address. Trust me when I tell you all that frustration is a very dangerous point to base home camp on. If that becomes what you are defending then you’ll lose. Being human is frustrating. Better to camp on the peaks of Zen and be patient. I think our system insures that we will get there. Not only with increasing AG Garland’s sense of urgency but with USA (provided we haven’t started our own extinction event).
Peace and long life.

rainmanjr 8 Oct 21

Enjoy being online again!

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