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LINK Texas Admits Its Abortion Law Puts All Rights Up for Grabs

Texas admits what i said about it's law- if it's allowed to stand, laws could be created to negate any rights we have. They should be careful though- it could be used on gun rights, too.

JonnaBononna 7 Nov 2

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“Isn’t the point of a right that you don’t have to ask Congress?”

Yes. Yes it is.


TX is going to win this as the nation goes Catholic On Steroids. Sorry but that's what tonights elections indicate. I advice women to start making plans to get out. I don't know to where as the rest of the world's economies will melt down as we decay. That horror spawned two World Wars so the prognosis is fatal. We don't have ecologic time left for #3, though. This illusion is coming to an end, I gather. Be prudent but go have a great time, everyone. Go have fun for a time. Tao won't notice what happens from here.


There already is a right wing gun group that filed as a friend to the Biden administration. They are afraid libs will use this to take away their guns.

Abortion politics makes for strange allies.


These idiots better be careful what they wish for.
There is no doubt that this WILL come back to bite them square in their asses.

They just won.


This will thankfully get shot down by the court.

It better

"May the odds forever be in your favor."

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