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Greetings folks! I’m new here. Found the site on accident, still learning the ropes. It’s so refreshing to see so many faces of relatable people. I posted my message in the relationships section because that’s what hits home. People’s beliefs can be a barrier to having relationships. I keep my opinions to myself, no one I know - in person - is an Atheist. It’s difficult and also pointless to bring up how I think. I wish sometimes my family/friends could just keep that to themselves. It makes me feel isolated on a personal level. Does anyone else relate to this?
My goats don’t care about politics or religion. They’re cool! lol 😆

Lordess 6 Nov 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Same here, their are a few lost cause types, they are few and in between!!!
My three feral cats adopted me, now live with me!!!
My cats seem to comprehend that all that family and political shit is just that shit!!!!
My only question is: is your luscious goat housebroken??
Me bad, one more question what is her/his name?

These things happen. Have had my share of critters show up for a home.
No she’s not But she and her sister handled themselves pretty well when I attempted to go on an adventure across the country. They got the of the crates, harnesses and getting tied out to stretch their legs. I was really impressed tbh. lol
Her name is Jaina Proudmore. Adding pic of her half sister Uuna.

@Lordess I was talking to Jaina Proudmoore just last night. Not your Jaina Proudmoore, the fictional one🤣

@ronnie40356 O rly? ahaha! What server? 🙂


Goats and young trees don't get along. Goats and old trees don't get along. Goats destroy everything in their path. Goats can mow the lawn,, but a small electric lawn mower is a much better solution. Only the best hog wire fence can hold goats, and then you never know when theyre going to get out. Just about everyone who ever had goats ends up hating them, they are often given away cheap or free to whoever will take them. We need a eugenics program for goats. They are cute, but that wears off quickly.

Wont anyone else dare tell her the truth about them?

Brave. Your courage is refreshing.

Aww now now LOL … it’s not all that bad.
I have a horse to mow and goats to weed. Saves me 15 hours a week NOT mowing in the summer! Forget weeding eating fence lines.. I’d never manage.
And Besides, I have the BEST job in the world….if I don’t like my “co-workers” I can eat them 😉~ I don’t put up with nonsense, trouble makers, or ones that can’t do their job. 4 goats/4 acres is just about right.
They are quite enjoyable and have more than they need. They help balance my pastures and are great weed control.

@Lordess .......ya know what you are? youre a goat- christian! a goat atheist. how do you sort out the trouble makers? i say give em all lobotimies. then eat them.

@holdenc98 oh geez 🙄 hmm I don’t think I’ll go there. I’ll just leave it at being better described as a goat whisperer.

@holdenc98 Well, Mr David I think I spied with my eye a trouble maker you are! Oh yes. I read your bio. I’m impressed.

@Lordess.............. yes! you are actually a goat whisperer. i can see that youve reached them on a high moral level. i can tell because all your pictured mid distance trees have that classic denuded goat ring, at 6 feet, the height their stretched crunch yaps reach when their up on their hind legs. sometimes i still have bad dreams of them standing high on my fresh- planted tree guards. many many years ago.

im impressed that youre impressed, and also im impressed for its own sake.

i think i'm the "idiot troll" that guy was warning you about.

@holdenc98 haha! I had my suspicions. Actually it’s the guy that says he’d agree with ALL my view that I’m more concerned about trolling. I hope you didn’t think I was being facetious though, It was a genuine comment.

@holdenc98 My goats are only 26” tall, so maybe that denuded look which you’re referring to is the horse’s fault 😉 Just admit it you’re a goat hater ROFL! And a smarty pants. Shall we keep going?


this is odd.

i hate horses with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. horses have tried to kill me. in the late 1960s, i think it was in Cincinnati, a rental plug tried to roll over on me. i was once running out of control (duh) down a Maine country road, at 45 mph, having slid off the bare back of a so called horse, hanging on to the underside of his neck. in 1984 my ex wife's air-head friend's horse, "silver", who had been mooching free off my pasture for the previous 2 years, stepped on my foot. don't goats keep horses company in race track stalls? talk about your "bad element"! the only thing worse are cows.

so why have i taken a liking to you?


now this is also odd. being curious, i read what "storm 1752" had to say to you. i thought he was clever and subtle, well spoken and gentle, all at once. of all these agnostic bozos. i would have chosen him for your romantic interest here, were i the grandfather im suited by nature to be. i'd rather i was him.

It must be the ever loving challenge dear Sir!

If you let animals do what they do, learn to use that to your advantage rather than working against it. Makes life so much easier and it frees you up for greener pastures.. If you only knew…and that terrible rub is going to give you a road rash my friend…I’m sorry.

I’m laughing at your horse stories and I’ve got plenty of my own…doosies I tell ya!!

Got stuck with my first husband because of a horse! Note to past self - horse back riding with an amateur does not make for a good 3rd date when they are nearly killed and you have to convalesce the person for the next two years..

The useless (winter time) hay burner I keep started out as a joke that I’m now stuck with being the good steward that I am. At the end of the day I value the manure, the time saved from mowing, and she’s quite nice to look at. At this point I don’t know who belongs to whom. The goats belong to the horse or vice versa. My horse is a horse hater. She can live without them, don’t dare take away her goats though! I used to take the goats walking in the woods to forage but they don’t want to leave the horse behind now.. oh the menagerie it has become…lol.

@holdenc98 ahh well. My intuition sensed that was more likely to be a subtle well spoken trap I didn’t want to step into. 😉
And then…I’m fairly certain my views would not be aligning with one that is “VERY liberal”. I do my homework…
So I then put forth a little effort and threw up my bio.
Anywho.. so if I had to claw and scratch to put a political label out there maybe I’d be leaning towards libertarian but I know that’s flawed. Ahh…if there was a “leave me the fuck alone” political and religious label..there ya go!! It’s ALL BS IMO!!
A girl can only dream can’t she?

@Lordess ...ive thought about answering you all day, and , using my dubious social skills, i will answer you very carefully soon or after your dubut hub - bub dies down, because you are unique and fine. like none other ive seen here, or anywhere in quite a while.

but not now. i want to think. i read your thing carefully, now im also humbled.

turns that 1752 guy is too old for you. he's only 12 years younger than me. but i hope you read his blurb again,cause he seems on the good but wild side of unique himself. take me with a grain of salt till i learn what im talking about. but i CAREFULLY read his profile and i like him enough to suggest him for friendship for you . doesnt seem at all like the other ax murderers i know from here.


Welcome. Yes I can relate completely.


Goats are awesome! I live in the South and I feel like a man without a country here. Welcome aboard!



G'day. You'll get on well with @Donto101. Dont see much of him & his misses these days. I think they post more on their YouTube channel. They also grow bananas & vegetables in Florida.

Oh! Cool I’ll look for the channel


@FrayedBear Oh thank you


Howdy there and welcome.

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