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LINK Biden Just Gave Over 300,000 Workers a Raise to $15 an Hour

For up to 390,000 workers, a $15 minimum wage is about to be a reality.

On Monday, the Department of Labor finalized its regulations for implementing a $15 minimum wage for federal contractors. It builds on an executive order President Joe Biden signed in April that would hike pay for workers under federal contracts. Now, that raise will go into effect on January 30, 2022 for new and renewed contracts, according to the Labor Department.

snytiger6 9 Nov 23

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Maybe, that will encourage some people to get off there ass and get a job. Not to mention to have pride in themselves, etc.

NPR just reported that new unemployment filings are at their lowest in over 50 years.


But I was told POTUS Joe is a hack who hates us and wants to destroy the nation so we are free to eat babies. No? Oh, by the way, it's time to thaw your baby for the holiday everyone.


What? But I thought and Republicans and Democrats are the same.
The super-rich supposedly pay taxes on 37% of their income, but that's only PAYROLL income, and even that's a joke 'cause they gyrate through every loophole like they were hula hoops.
Income on INVESTMENTS is taxed at something like 0.98%, practically nothing, and that's where most of their income is generated.
Biden TRIED to change that in his Build Back Better bill, but dropped it as a concession to Manchin, and as a capitulation to the enormous power of the "donor class,' but he TRIED. A few more Democrats and we could break the power stranglehold they have on our government.
To say that's frustrating is like saying birds chirp, but no more frustrating than having to listen to the "moral equivalency" bull rap the non-religious conservatives on here make every chance they get.
IT'S TIME for liberals to drop their laudable modesty and say it out loud, in plain English " WE'RE BETTER THAN YOU. YOUR MORALITY IS A DODGE to let you, the parasitic rich, benefit from the capitalist system you praise, without giving anything back!"
Even the sort-of rich, who also grasp and claw to keep every dime of their investment income, are in on it. Gotta have that mountain retreat, or that third European vacation!
It's robbery, greed of the highest order, a form of mass enslavement we have a hard time breaking free of, too busy beating back the yahoos over guns, babies, and queers, to make our argument stick.

They couldn't do it without the support of the many being fleeced. Sadly, America turns out to be at the mercy of the minority and Master because we chose to. At any moment in our slow death the majority could signal that we no longer pay attention to either and govern. We don't because we believe that we can't. 1/6/21 was dangerous because it informed everyone that we can ignore them all and do something. We might not win but that's not always the point of doing something.

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