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Kate just told me that people are going into stores and robbing stuff, taking stuff and just walking out of the store without paying. Does anyone have any idea who there people are? I mean the must be people with some means as they have a get away car and some place to go to hide. Thoughts?

dalefvictor 8 Nov 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I read in the local paper years ago that one could walk into a Walmart and walk out with a free gun and ammo, all one had to do was wait until the sales people were somewhere else, walk behind the counter and grab what they wanted and walk out. Apparently, one person was stopped by a shopper and almost got shot for their effort. Amazing, that these companies will not pay for more people to be working in the site so this does not happen.


I once worked at KMart, and in our town, there was a notorious group of families (or more than one) who would descend on local stores en masse. While some did everything they could to distract the employees (asking complicated endless questions, demanding to be shown merchandise, complaining about whatever they could come up with), other members of their group picked up and walked out with anything they could manage. Being the days before universal surveillance, it was very hard to get descriptions of their vehicles or so forth, and they would alternate which members went into the store further complicating identifying anyone. I suspect some similar operation might be in play.


They are organized gangs of thieves
They hit Chicago a few weeks ago and have recently been in San Francisco. Maybe they've been reading Oliver Twist.

So is this one group of people moving from one place to another or a bunch of different groups acting separately?

@dalefvictor Good question. I saw one report that I didn't follow up on that suggests at least a few of those involved in Chicago were in San Francisco.

@Beowulfsfriend Knowing absolutely nothing about this. It would not surprise me to see some of the Proud Boys or other white supremacist groups' members had a part in this. After all, they seem to think they are owed.

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