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First U.S. case of omicron variant is found in California
The patient, who returned from South Africa last week, had been fully vaccinated and was showing mild symptoms.


xenoview 8 Dec 1

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So far the vaccine prevented death


Patient was fully vaccinated, but had not received a booster, so perhaps protection had waned for the patient. Article doesn't say how long ago his 2nd dose of Moderna was.

We will have to wait and see if anyone who has been triple vaxxed contracts it. So far, reports seem to indicate that it offers mild symptoms, at least to those who have some measure of immunity for previous strains. I'm glad to be triple vaccinated, but will also be keeping up my social distancing, for myself and for others.


So scared. Whatever shall we do????

What evidence do you have that it is mild.

@xenoview can you tell me how many people have died from it???????????????????

And then there’s the way viruses typically work. Symptoms drop off and contagiousness increases. I’ve dead it for a year and a have. It’s the flu with media buzz.
It’s a Corona virus. It’s a damn cold or the flu at this point. It is technically a cold virus. It’s stuck with us forever now. Systems and deaths will eventually get to damn near zero.
We have six patients in our hospital with Covid right now. All six have been vaccinated. Two will likely die. But two less democrats…. Silver linings I suppose.
Y’all screwed up your natural immune systems to Corona viruses with the vaccine.

But hey…. Go get the booster. Have a ball. Break that immune system down a bit more. I’d recommend getting an appointment with a cardiologist just to check things out as well. We’ve seen an uptick in heart attacks. Any guesses on the common factor over the past several months????


@CourtJester I doubt you have any evidence for your claims. Over 755,000 have died from covid here in the US.

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