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LINK MAGA Cultist Robert Jeffress: The Biden Admin is the “Ungodliest” in History | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

I don't think he looked all that closely at the Trump administration. Trump is the complete antithesis of what Christians are supposed to be or stand for.

snytiger6 9 Dec 7

Enjoy being online again!

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How would you know? Are you a closet christian? You're Republican, so it wouldn't surprise me at all.

I was raised to be religious, and I am not a republican. I started out as one when I was 18 because my parents were republicans, but by age 23 I switched to democrat, because I realized republicans don't represent my values as well as democrats do. For a brief period I was registered as a Green party member, but that pretty much excluded me from making a choice in the primaries, so I went back to democrat, even if they are not as liberal as I'd like them to be.


Every one and every thing is ungodly. Only some of us know it.


It's really sad that those dummies can't figure that out. That includes my parents in that group.


Good. Getting god out of our govt has been kind of a project.

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