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Senate votes to repeal Biden's vaccine mandate
It's unclear if the Senate-passed repeal will be brought up in the House.


xenoview 8 Dec 9

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Two Democrats in name only voted with the Repuglicans.

But why did Schumer even bring it up? Remember how the old Mitch just dropped bills, even some that would have passed. If those two asses don't pass the build back better, Schumer really fucked up.

@Beowulfsfriend He gave the Q Party a win for absolutely no reason. I seriously doubt Spkr Pelosi will make such a mistake but no matter. The damage to Biden, and society, is done as employers have cover to drop the OSHA rule. We weren't making serious progress on COVID, or anything else, anyway so nothing much will be lost. It's only human lives and I no longer give a shit about those.

@rainmanjr Biden will veto it if it makes it to his desk.

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