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I think it is wishful thinking to believe you can rid yourself of wishful thinking. Besides who would want to anyway it just takes all the fun out of it.

hankster 9 Dec 17

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As long as we realize that our wishful thinking is just that, we should keep it up, so we have some pie in the sky goals, so that even if they never come true, at least we are aiming in the right direction.

you're right that's all dandy, it's just that realizing part seems mighty tricky sometimes.

If you throw a pie at the sky, it falls back to earth and makes a nasty inedble mess on the ground.

@Fernapple I was thinking the pie was already in the sky somehow, not sure how it gets there, but yes, it would make mess with gravity and all... Unless the contents of the pie were the 4 and 20 blackbirds, still alive and able to fly!


I wish that were true.

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