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LINK The Republican Axis Reversing the Human Rights Revolution

The great divergence is rapidly expanding—and President Joe Biden’s window to reverse it is narrowing.

Since the 1960s, Congress and federal courts have acted mostly to strengthen the floor of basic civil rights available to citizens in all 50 states, a pattern visible on issues from the dismantling of Jim Crow racial segregation to the right to abortion to the authorization of same-sex marriage. But now, offensives by red-state governments and GOP-appointed federal judges are poised to retrench those common standards across an array of issues. The result through the 2020s could be a dramatic erosion of common national rights and a widening gulf—a “great divergence”—between the liberties of Americans in blue states and those in red states.

snytiger6 9 Dec 25

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Hearing bs like that makes me glad I'm an Democrat now.

Yeah, I realized republicans were heading in an ugly direction back in the mid 1980's, and switched parties back them.


That’s consistent with Originalism — limiting rights to those named in the 1787 Constitution.

Read the Ninth Amendment carefully. It says we have more rights than those named (= enumerated ) in Amendments One through Eight but SCOTUS seems to fear interpreting it that way.


Dems aren't helping by breaking down Human Rights into a thousand minority groups and watering down funding which could be applied to a single umbrella strategy. I think we are about to find out how much the subject actually means to Americans. It never really has meant much.

Democrats are just trying to close the discrimination loopholes republicans have (mostly) created or taken advantage of in order to discriminate.

@snytiger6 And I give them credit for the humanity but it's a bad strategy that merely weakens the battle, IMO.

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