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LINK Ted Cruz's daughter knocks him on TikTok: "I really disagree with most of his views" |

“A lot of people judge me based upon him at first glance,” she said. “But I really disagree with most of his views"

snytiger6 9 Jan 1

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His daughter at least has some common sense. She wasn't really to blame, I suppose, for his scurrying off to Mexico in the middle of the frost and blackout. When her bitch of a father had to prove to everyone why he is dubbed Flyin Ted, she probably didn't enjoy him throwing her under the bus. Ted is renowned for saying obscure stuff like how he is the best candidate who is "human." Additionally, he occasionally tries to be funny and own up to his mistakes on Twitter and TikTok followed by his get-to-go followers from [].


Yeah, crazy, man. I wouldn’t like to be her; having such a father can’t affect you positively. Anyway, she made a smart move by saying she is against his views, and now we know she’s normal. I’m even a little jealous of famous people’s kids. They also can be popular on social media without hard effort. I do my best to attract followers on TikTok and start making money on it, but I see no results. I consider I might buy TikTok followers soon to start promoting my account. Any suggestions or experiences?


I king of feel sorry for his daughter as it must pretty hard to find dating prospects because of who her father is.


So what? He doesn't care about what women think, or need, and she might be playing the other side for political opportunity. The whole family can go back to wherever it is they came from.


Good for her. At least she's not stuck in the past like daddy is.

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