After quitting Catholicism, I started five agnostic decades. I finished college not knowing if a god existed and lived as if there was none. ( Forget the g-d plurals! )
One day, given an opportunity to choose atheism, I recalled no lightning bolts having struck nearby and started my atheist years. I found it necessary to consider details I had ignored. One of those details was evolution. I still live as if there is no god.
In this context I don’t use the word “believe”.
Tom, atheism is not required to understand and accept the SCIENCE of evolution (and many other physical realities).
BELIEF based on faith is a completely different matter; that is, faith in either 'god' or 'no god.' Both are "belief systems" without any foundation, so are inherently invalid.
That diagram is over-simplistic. It ignores the the case where it is trivial to show that two particular gods cannot exist and that all other gods remain unevidenced.
The annoying term "gnostic atheist" conveys the thought that atheism is a belief system. It's just people admitting reality. Supernatural phenomena is an impossibility. Realizing that to be fact is not gnosticism.
Ok, joe, the term annoys you. It does not annoy me, ergo it is not annoying.
I still stand as an Agnostic Atheist. I don't believe anyone can be sure 100% either way whether there are or are not gods, but I 100% don't have any belief in god/s.
I do believe there are people who have 100% belief that there is a god (or are gods) that is/are real, and they can be sure of their belief, no matter what I think.
To me, gods are figments of the imagination, a mythological creature featured in a story to explain our place in this world. Fine when used as a literary character, but trouble when people start believing the character is real not the fictional image (perhaps) that was intended.
An agnostic does NOT "believe in" a god or gods. An agnostic doesn't "believe in" anything.
Michael, my father was an authoritarian and put me in authoritarian schools. Losing the authoritarian ways he and they taught me took years.
@yvilletom I am a refugee from a fundamentalist authoritarian family myself. So I view a statement that there is no god/gods as equally authoritarian as the statement that god/gods do exist. The word agnostic literally translates as “without knowledge”. My stance is that I neither believe nor disbelieve something that can’t be proven with the senses that I have available.
@yvilletom I'm sorry to hear that, Tom. Now maybe you can get over your overreaction to that oppression, so that finally the pendulum can eventually rest in the non-belief middle. You see, ANY belief, when it comes to this subject matter, is misplaced.
Certainty at either extreme is impossible. Uncertainty is the only rational position.