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LINK Waters Says Gaetz 'Needs to Shut up' After He Said He Was 'Proud' of Jan. 6

Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters of California had scathing remarks for Rep. Matt Gaetz after he made reflecting on the Capitol insurrection.

"We're ashamed of nothing. We're proud of the work that we did on January 6 to make legitimate arguments about election integrity," Gaetz said about the GOP on Steve Bannon's radio talk show.

"We're actually going to walk the grounds that patriotic Americans walked from the White House to the Capitol who had no intent of breaking the law or doing violence," Gaetz, a Republican from Florida, said alongside a nodding Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green.

snytiger6 9 Jan 10

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Matt continually insults her when she talks so I'll allow it.


A weiny orange bitch made all this election integrity bs possible. Since, he can't take a lose like a man.

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