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The vaccines narrative is crumbling.

Castlepaloma 8 Jan 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Not this idiot again. Well I guess he is smart enough to make a few bucks.

Not like the trillions spent for vaccine failure and only wealthy laughing at us all the way to the bank. As the evil overlords destroy the vast majority of people lives.

@Castlepaloma Vaccine is not a failure if it keeps illness less severe. What are you not seeing here?


Such a load of unsubstantiated bullshit.

Yeah at 3:44 what responsible official would say more than “We don’t know” with Omicron raging and data still coming in. Fault her for not being omniscient as the antivaxxers pretend to be based on plucked from the air bullshit?

Mass formation psychosis is bullshit (shades of FEMA camps):


If you don’t watch TWiV instead of Rogan’s ignorant bullshit and this video you posted and take that to heart…you are a moron.

And at bozo’s 6:28 how is a COVID test supposed to evaluate contagiiousness. It might be a yes-no on positivity and without sequencing not going to say what variant. Duh…dumb fuck. This idiot got a Youtube channel and knows nothing about viruses. Surprise! And Rogan is a douchebag. At 9:22 this dingbat thinks popularity means truth. At 9:43 Jordan Peterson of carnivore diet fame? Really!

10:04 yeah I do my own thinking and think you are an idiot. And since no actual science is cited on your bullshit rant you are easily dismissed from the adult table.

If you don’t follow this instead of Rogan’s ignorant BS and the bozo you linked you are part of the problem:

But we knew that already.

Certainly these two on your vidio, can not be in the same class and vaccine background of Robert Malone

I don't down people's intelligence because each person is more smarter than me in some things and vise versa. The great disrespectful in downing another person opposing views and more importantly a person intelligence has already lost the discussion. There is no successful vaccine report overall since the roll outs began wail the virus is bigger now, than ever. if Fauci based his dictatorships from CDC. Then this combination results is a total failure, because waiting 75 years for a covid reports from CDC is criminal.

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