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American truth in news & professionalism of the lowest degree.

Bloomberg announces ‘Russia invades Ukraine’ []

Even the local Australian farmers are hoeing in with comments of how war will disrupt the % of world wheat supply coming out of the Ukraine, so they should to planting extra wheat.

FrayedBear 9 Feb 4

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In other news sales of Brown trousers skyrocket


It's a long time since I saw Brown's brand.
I suspect however that lots of manufacturers are busy ramping up production of brown trousers & incontinence diapers for the American & British markets.

Just like Australian farmers planning to grow more wheat!


RT is preaching about professionalism? Have you considered going to Siberia for vacation?

RT preaches nothing. It merely reports what happened.
I comment stating my opinion.
As for going to Siberia for vacation it sounds about as appetising as going to your largest state.

@FrayedBear Except in Alaska you have freedom of speech, freedom to assemble and other basic human rights. United States is a democracy, at least so far. Russia however is an autocratic, totalitarian dictatorship.

@barjoe that must be why Musk is spouting about Canadian truckers being prohibited from raising funds for their protest?
And why you have one of the highest rates of murder & imprisonment in the world?

@FrayedBear You mean this story about that steaming pile of shit Elon Musk? Not only a fascist but also a racist. []

@barjoe thanks for correcting my understanding Joe.
I agree with Musk's observation.
Donators should be laying criminal charges for the theft of their donations.

@FrayedBear Yes I think the donations should be refunded to those filthy bastards. I totally disagree with Elon Musk on this as I do almost everything. What kind of piece of shit is he? Siding with angry fascists because he thinks it might make him a couple extra bucks.

@barjoe I don't go there Joe. Know virtually nothing about Musk & don't want to. However if BLM can raise money to fund their opinions why should these truckers not also be allowed. That I probabably strongly disagree with them has nothing to do with it - you don't correct one wrong with another.

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