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Throw away a few First Amendments in exchange for gutting the Second Amendment.

"Anti-abortion protests, for example. All telemarketing and perhaps some pornography."

From Birds of America stories by Lorrie Moore. A wonderful, funny author.

LiterateHiker 9 Feb 18

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Why should the first amendment be changed just to Bring the second up to date?


It's a joke. Written by Loorie Moore in Birds of America a book of short stories.


It's humor. Written by Loorie Moore in Birds of America, a book of short stories.

@LiterateHiker but not funny!


Are you a gun nut?

@LiterateHiker exact opposite.


I read this as a "tongue in cheek" statement.


It was a joke by Lorrie Moore. In Birds of America a collection of short stories.


Making changes to the First Amendment is a slippery slope. Abolishing and rewriting the Second would be preferable.

MizJ Level 8 Feb 18, 2022

Though I am not a fan of the 2nd Amendment and think U.S. gun laws are insane, I'm not in favor of clipping the 1st Amendment. Freedom of speech/expression is incredibly important. Even as it stands we frequently see attempts by the right to ban books, music, and movies.

Though I am pro-choice if we were to ban one form of protest then it would become easier to ban other forms of protest. Telemarketing is annoying but I think that may fall under different laws. I believe that certain pornography already is not protected by the 1st Amendment but as long as no one is being harmed against their will and all persons involved are adults then I see no right to censor pornography regardless of whether you find it disgusting or not.

Also, amending the Constitution is very difficult. Making sensible gun laws on the federal level would likely be a better course, in my opinion.

I'd settle for enforcing the well-regulated militia part.

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