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Believe in aliens?

Believe they've been here already? Believe they are/will be really similar to us?

chuckles 6 Dec 3

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Believe in Aliens? Yes.
Believe they've been here already? Not sure.
Believe they are/will be really similar to us? Not at all.

However, I'm pretty sure we aren't alone in this infinite expanding universe.


It’s a mathematical improbability that we are alone in the universe, but we have no reason to believe that they have visited. They more than likely wouldn’t look like us because they would follow a different evolutionary pattern due to living under different conditions.


I find it hard to believe there are not other intelligent life forms in this universe other than those found on this planet. I doubt they would be similar to us unless they come from an identical environment.


I believe it's possible they exist.


I believe mathematically there is a better than not chance that there is life in the universe that did not originate on Earth. I see no reason to believe that any other life has visited Earth. I certainly do not believe that anyone was abducted by aliens.


Great question. I believe what we see is ourself from many years in the future. We eventually are able to move through time.


I believe in the possibility. I don't believe that if they exist they're all humanoids.


We will eventually understand that complex life forms are inextricably attached to the body in space where they manifested so for them to travel outwith a certain distance from that body is impossible.


Aliens, statistically speaking, must exist, that said, there is no credible evidence that any have ever been to this planet.


The infinite universe is alive and intelligent.
Al - generation
Ien or Ein - one
there can be only one of anything therefore every individual is an alein


I think the unfathomable vastness of the universe and the astounding number of star systems and planets makes the likelihood of there being life elsewhere extremely likely, and I'd imagine intelligent life to be likely as well. But I have no reason to think they've visited Earth.


I do believe it is quite possible given just how large the universe is and the countless galaxies that exist within. Saying that though, it would be foolish for me to speculate much else as to if we've already been visited and what not. But is it all possible? I think reasonably so.


I love speculation and possibilities (Im a writer as well as a student of xenobiology after all) and so maybe Im a bit too whimsical for these deadeyed "how dare you imagine something other than what you can see" agnostic/atheists to appreciate, Oh well.

I think theres some stuff that's gone down 40k years ago (nuclear bomb, middle east) and sightings throughout the ages, even recorded in the Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharata..

I think we're garbage, considering the bigger picture and that if we think we're alone in the universe then we're conceited garbage as well.. I mean, most people already think a god made them specially to suit his fancy..

Visited, sure, could've happened. But not because they'd like us or something, but because we are basically like Neanderthals to them and we have atomic weapons. Any species capable of regular space travel to other planets is far beyond us and would surely see us as a hazard and/or entertainment.

Plus if you take string theory into consideration, there's literal infinite possibilities.. so in one timeline, somewhere, every planet in the universe is teeming with life. Our planet was never even created in another timeline, and perhaps we're the timeline that ended up being the one where we're truly alone in the universe.. but it's anyone's guess.

Speculation and theoretical astrophysics give me a lady boner.. lol I love this stuff.

I hope we run into some aliens, so they can give me a lift off this rock.


First, what do you mean by believe? I can tell you a little of what I think on the subject, but I don't believe in aliens.

I'll keep this brief. I think it is a reasonable assumption that life exists out there in the big old dark -- somewhere. I suspect that the majority of life in the galaxy (the Universe is to big to discuss) may well be microbial. More advanced lifeforms become problematic. Lifeforms that are intelligent and self aware is even more problematic. Lifeforms that are intelligent, self aware, capable of manipulating their environment, sufficiently endowed with the physiology to produce technology, and who have become space-faring folk represent probably a minute possibility. The fact is, and it is a sobering one, that we may be it -- at least within reachable distances.

Do I think we've been visited? It's possible, but highly unlikely. We have no evidence to base any conclusions one way or the other, but the chances are vanishingly slim. There are a lot of reasons for that.

Similar to us? In what way? Again, that is unlikely. Perhaps only in symmetry. Otherwise, probably not. Evolution is a random process while natural selection is not. There is no reason at all to believe that evolution on another planet, even a close analog to Earth, will have followed a similar path.

I also suspect, because of the distances we're talking about, that the first encounters we have, if we ever have them, will be with alien mechanical probes -- probably along the lines of Von Neumann probes.

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