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Putin’s mind…


skado 9 Mar 1

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Have you visited IDW recently? Did a few posts on the topic of some right-leaning folks who for curious reasons have morphed into Putin apologists since Russia invaded Ukraine late last month, and said posts were... less than popular to say the least, lol. All I can say is wow, people who claim to be in support of free speech and human rights, and turn around and put their backing behind a homicidal maniac like Putin, unreal. It's an uphill battle arguing with those folks, even though they lack evidence to back up Russia's claims against Ukraine. Generally speaking, I'm usually a patient man who is willing to hear out both sides of the story, but I'm starting to lose my cool with the Putin apologist crowd, especially knowing how many innocent Ukrainian citizens are needlessly being slaughtered and the overwhelming evidence to suggest such is indeed happening. Odd times we live in...

That’s exactly why I haven’t visited there in recent months.

I like hearing all sides… as long as I can follow their logic. But when I can’t trace any thread back to the thing I call reality… it starts to feel like a waste of time. I can’t learn anything from watching endless tribal reflexes. Every human has tribal instincts. But some folks seem to have little else.


An hour to tell us something most of us already know?


Very interesting! Very scary that someone in power is so one dimensional in their thinking. Easy to see why trump is such a putin lap dog.

yes, putin wannabe


A good thoughtful video. I remember reading some time ago a stat. that well over half of Russians believe that Russia's economic difficulties, are mainly to be blamed on foreign agents working on Russian soil. Putin is perhaps not alone in the delusion that Russia is under constant attack, by foreign powers trying to destroy it economically and politically. Just how much, that parity with wider public opinion, is due to the Kremlin exporting propaganda to cover its failings by blaming foreigners, as failed governments often do, and just how much Putin and the government just themselves reflect a naturally widespread attitude, is difficult to say, without a much more in depth knowledge of Russia.

But it certainly was not helped by western triumphalism at the end of the cold war, treating it as almost a victory, as though the western powers had won a real shooting war. Without being a little more thoughtful about how that would play in a very paranoid, ( In the popular sense of the word. ) population of Russia who already saw themselves as victims.


If I were a Ukrainian I'd definitely feed some of those starving Russian soldiers but they might not like the after effects.

"Moment Russian soldier 'surrenders and breaks down in tears as Ukrainians feed him and help call his mum'" []

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