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I now know what American life during the Holocaust was like. Half of your friends were like," Oh no, I have to pay a few cents more per gallon of gas." And half your friends are like, "Oh my god, innocent people are dying in war crimes."

UrsiMajor 8 Mar 4

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The internet makes the divide so much more visible everywhere.


True, and seeing only your own self absorbed interests as the only thing that matters, is a sad limit to vision and understanding.

But it is also true that a few more cents on a gallon will cost lives. Because across a world where population is in billions, there will be a lot of pensioners and poor people, for whom the economic down turn he is causing, will be just enough to push them over the edge. Especially in Russia itself. Somewhere this week there will be a few among the poor and the old, who will decide that the extra cost, is just too much to afford that trip to the doctors, where they would have got a life saving diagnosis, or they will decide that this week they will have to manage without the expensive pills, or can't afford the donation to the charity which provides, clean life saving water equipment, to children in the third world.

The death toll spreads out, slowly and widely, but ever so inexorably, far beyond the Ukraine, like ripples in a pond, and the economic impact is a major one of those ripples.


No kidding!!!😢😭🤬🥺😢

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