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Are we Black or Jewish?

The Human race either came from Africa or the Garden of Eden* If we came from Africa then, we would be direct decendents from Blacks. I'm not black. If we came from the Garden of Eden we all be Jewish. I'm not Jewish.. Anybody have any ideas? I have many unanswered questions about the Bible. But, for right now Just the questions listed above.

shotgunsally45 3 Apr 24

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I have taken a personal stance on these issues and I learned it from my children. I belong only to the human race, I am no color. And personally, I have long been without any religion. Simple answers to questions intended to divide.


rift valley kenya


We are human. Actually we are great apes, the Garden of Eve is a myth. Our skin tone comes from very minor subtleties that are a result of where our more recent ancestors lived in the world.

Religion is a result of Geography. We are most likely to adapt the religion of our family and micro-culture. Judaism is a religion, not an race by any means.

Please message me about any questions and I will answer them or direct you to a website or you tube video that can do it better.

When I asked the question are we Jews I meant from a stand point of following the accounts of Jews from Adam through all the of generations. those who follow the Bible account on how we came to be, if uses generations of Adam's descendants to develop history of Jews. I know being Jewish is not a race.

Judaism is both a religion and a culture and those who are part of it have distinct genetic characteristics.

@jperlow Very true!


Also, let us be clear... Judaism is a religion and a culture. "Hebrews" and "Semites" are various groups of people that share genetic traits. You have your terminology completely wrong. The two are independent concepts.

There are also African Jews. There are also Jews of non-Hebrew and Semitic extraction, even Asian ones. You do not have to be Semitic, to be a Jew.

Within Judaism as a culture you have many kinds of groups of people of genetic similarity. You have Ashkenaze, which are Eastern European Jews. You have Sephardics which are Italian/Latin Jews. You have Mizrahi which are from Iran/Iraq and other middle-eastern countries and then you have other smaller groups such as the Jews from Ethiopia, the Falasha. What they have in common is they are all part of the Jewish Culture. We have a whole group on to discuss it.



What makes you think African people from millions of years ago looked anything like modern Blacks?

Also the term "Black" is really not an accurate way to describe genetics. That's pigmentation.

I stand corrected, black is a color not a race. If people from Africa were not black in color than, what color were they millions of years ago? Please advise

@shotgunsally45 nobody knows exactly because we don’t have DNA or surviving tissue samples. The genus homo is probably 250,000 years old, maybe 300,000. That population is thought to be from the Horn of Africa. However the theory is that we developed skin pigmentation after we shed our fur, as h.erectus, millions of years ago, to guard against skin cancer. We may have been darker than modern Africans, per this scholarly publication



You can't escape your ancestry. We are eucaryotes, vertebrates and, to all the best indicators, of African descent.

Correct ,we are of African ancestry. if you come from an evolutionary point of view. However , if you follow Creationism point of view then, what race are we?

@shotgunsally45 why do we care abut the creationist POV based on your questions, we are only concerned with the science based answer.

@shotgunsally45 I've heard that some Bible scholars place Eden in or near Eritrea. So that still professes African ancestry. Wiki says Mesopotamia. Then there's that whole mess with the Flood. Following that, we have to wonder how extensive the incantation following the Tower of Babel was.


well, we all come from single-celled creatures but that doesn't mean that's what we are now as we have evolved. I used to wear nappies but I'm not to keen on doing that again at the moment.




Judaism is a religion.

No. It is also a culture.


I understand that Judaism is a religion. The generations of Adam were Jews. Which would indicate Adam was a Jew. That's my best explanation I can come up with. Please advise.

@shotgunsally45 “Adam” was not a Jew. There were no Jews until “Moses” accepted the 10 commandments according to scripture. Before that there were Hebrews who were nomadic tribes, the 12 tribes (supposedly) descended from Abraham — thus “Abrahamic religions” which include Islam. Who were according to the scripture idolaters.

Go by the books which define the belief system not your limited understanding.

And your understanding is of course, based on fiction.

@shotgunsally45 The story of Adam and Eve was borrowed from stories that existed 1,000 years befroe Judiam became a religion. Several writings were combined by a scribe to make the book of Genesis, It was kinda cut and pasted together. This is why it is so disjointed and controdictory at the beginning.

It appears that the author wanted to give the Jews an orgin story and a history that would validate their religion.

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