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One of Trump’s closest White House advisers admits that ‘it’s hard to describe how little he knows’

"The disgraced former president’s top national security adviser has been doing a slew of interviews the past few weeks. With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, John Bolton, like most former national security advisers, has found himself being asked for his opinion on rapidly changing events. John Bolton’s bona fides as a truly terrifying warmonger span decades, and he has been critical of Trump—for a price. Bolton says what most of us already know: Trump’s extortion attempts, in the form of holding back military aid from Ukraine in order to dig up dirt on then-candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter, is a big part of the reason Vladimir Putin did not invade Ukraine until now."

“'He obviously saw that Trump had contempt for the Ukrainians. I think that had an impact,' Bolton told VICE earlier this month. Bolton goes on to detail a phone conversation Trump had with Vladimir Putin, shortly after Volodymyr Zelenskyy was elected, during which Trump asked Putin how he felt about him. According to Bolton, Trump’s lack of knowledge and backbone in that conversation likely reinforced Putin’s belief that Trump didn’t have strong feelings in support of Ukraine’s leadership."

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Related Article: Bolton claims he wanted to release information during impeachment, was blocked by White House


nogod4me 8 Mar 17

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It's a cop-out to say he was "blocked" by the white house from sharing what he knew. There was no legal restriction on Bolton.


Again, anything that aggregious coward, bootlicking, traitorous Seditionist does is no longer surprising..

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