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When someone begins their line of convincing me with i have a phd and a degree then i have to ask them what qualifications do they have? These certainly don't show anything to be respected or looked up to unless your goal is to have a piece of paper. 😂.

Beachslim7 6 Mar 19

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Had a couple of girlfriends in the pass with PHDs, they called a PHD - Piled Higher and Deeper and like being a professional student. I looked at it as a sign of strong work ethic to achieve something or doing well in academics. The only problem is if you don't love what you are doing , then it may miss the purpose in life or in mastering life.

A PHD may show a sign in too many indoctrinated camp from political thinking, or over programed society.

I won several international awards instead of degrees or academic papers. Kind of thought an artist teachers were the one who couldn't do the art. It's one in a million that can be an artist after 4 decades. Had to look at it as One third legistic, 1/3 business and a third Art product. Do what ever it takes, to be what ever you want to be. First step is being honest with yourself. Don't harm along the way.


It typically makes for a much better paycheck though.


How so? I’d love to see the explication.
Sounds like the statement from someone too lazy to go to school.

@Beachslim7 Anyone with a GED can work for the government. The government did pay for 75% of my PhD but I was shot a few times as a Marine in Iraq, so I still paid for it.
You sound like a lazy basement dweller that bitches about working at a gas station when you won’t put in the effort to do anything better.


Where do you get poor broke and hopeless from PhD?
And it’s not entitled. There’s some pride in doing what most can’t, don’t, or won’t.
Your last post would qualify you for a mental institute. “Government Welfare”. Typical liberal.


Are you sober?

@Beachslim7 I told you that I didn’t

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