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So I am from Iowa, Senator Grassley is from Iowa. He was in TV during the confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court Justice saying he would listen and give her a fair chance. I could tell by his tone that was bullshit. He is against her because she is black, because she is a woman, because she is a Democrat. There is no way on Earth he plans to give her a fair shake.Kentani Brown Jackson is extremely qualified. If she were a white Republican man up there, he would be singing her praises. Guaranteed. He is a hypocrite. Watch him vote against her. I can guarantee he will not vote to confirm her.

misstuffy 7 Mar 29

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OMFG!!!! Is everybody here still totally asleep or what?!?! The legal system is completely corrupted, from top to bottom, it is biased beyond belief, there is virtually ZERO justice to be found there, and yet there are still buffoons running around free, who think that it really matters who is on the USSC??? BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
That retard Sotomayor ADMITTED at her hearings that she was going to let her personal life experiences influence her "decisions"!!! Where does the concept of a "fair trial" figure in there, when she confesses that she will be biased??? Everybody who still believes in the legal system needs to read some of my papers about it, such as Is Someone Shopping Around For A "Friendly" Judge?, or The Legal System Is Even WORSE Than Gambling!, The Scam Of The Legal System, The Holes In The Legal System, Any Person Subject to... and several others too.


Unfortunately she will probably be confirmed but will be a sorry judge just like the other democrap appointee’s!


Maybe because , she didn't say that she likes beer..

Whether or not she likes beer, I think she is a phenomenal choice to be our next Supreme Court Justice. We need another woman in there and we need more minorities, She ticks both boxes,

@misstuffy I watched part of her hearing and thought she did well, especially responding to some of those obnoxious Republicans...

@Buddha She did extremely well, she was poised and beautifully, intelligently answered all their queries. She did very America proud, unlike the crybaby they confirmed.


Of course not, he's a piece of shit Republican.

I served on a board with a Republican, She is a caring person trying to help the average person, so much so I was surprised to learn she was a Republican. Grassley is just an entitled piece of shit with little man complex. I am 5'1 and he is not much taller than me.

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