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Who is Lauren Southern?


PBuck0145 7 Mar 31

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Well there is some amazing to hear stuff about her here: []

This definitely makes me think she has some interesting [sarcasm alert] views on Putinism:

”In June 2018, she visited Moscow, Russia, to meet Aleksandr Dugin, a political philosopher and proponent of a Russian-dominated Eurasia. A multi-part interview of Dugin, conducted by Southern and Brittany Pettibone, was published on YouTube under the title "From Russia With Love".[69][70][46] "It’s incorrect to call him a fascist," Southern tweeted. In the second video, she said Dugin had both "enthralled" and "open[ed] so many doors" for her.[71] Dugin spoke on a panel with the two women in Moscow.[72]”

Is she alt-right?


a jouaranalist

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