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Are Uncle Tom & Ginni the Leakers

HankHunter13 7 May 6

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Make a testable hypothesis. Then devise and perform the necessary test.

Trust me. Whatever investigation even happens will turn up nothing. But they'll play that phony outrage and blame for votes. Just like Benghazi. A blow job. etc.

@HankHunter13 Explain why either would leak an opinion they both support.

@yvilletom There's a lot of possibilities. Biden, and Democrats, poll numbers were rising, and passing Republicons. Because they want to influence all the May primary races, especially Ohio for a vacant GQP U.S. Senate seat. To keep any Justice, like maybe Gorsuch, from changing their vote. To keep the grievance machine going, for Fox and Fasciats, Rush like Right Wing Radio, FaceFuckerberg. And typical Russian Republicon Whataboutism. Rather than Celebrating getting the Court they've been fighting for for over 40 years, and spend billions To buy in the last 20 years, their media bubble has done nothing but cry about the leak, not their victory. To raise more campaign money. Etc. Explain your theory, that assumes iit was a Democrat.

@HankHunter13 Stop your speculating and learn about forensic investigating.

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